Finding an internship - Where do I start?
Student Testimonials
"Throughout the internship, they had us complete a project, do real work inside the credit union, let us shadow other positions to get a feel for other departments in the credit union, and had training sessions for us to learn how to further our careers.
Each of these opportunities was beneficial to help me grow as an intern and guide me toward my future career. If there are any college students who are looking to apply for an internship, look towards Chartway.

They provide a one-of-a-kind internship that you will not be able to find anywhere else." - Cameron Edgemond, Summer 2022 intern at Chartway Credit Union

Fall 2021 ODU Athletics intern Malachi Payne shares his interview with
Chris Hassel and shares his insights
from the interview.

"Some of the things that I have learned was how to pitch and get coverage to and from our clients! I was able to help out with a wedding article for the Sundial Beach Resort & Spa. I worked on countless projects associated with STIHL and Hypertherm. I was able to use social media to help me pitch their products that would be best fit for them. I also learned how to work with WordPress and managed to use Cision as a great resource when pitching. I got to see and work with so many editorials and had to organize it all in an excel spreadsheet. I got to practice writing up email pitches towards the end of the internship."- Jenkey Datuin on her internship at The Meridian Group in Virginia Beach, VA, read more of her sample work here!

Megan Monachelli, Class of 2021, Communication Major
Interested in an internship with the Department of Defense? As the U.S. Navy is one of the largest employers in the Norfolk area, gaining experience and work skills as a civilian Navy Intern is an incredible experience, not all university students have access to. Here’s a quick version of my story, shared in hopes it resonates with you!
The facility personnel were "welcoming, patient with me as I asked million of questions, and guided me towards believing in my ability. As an intern, I found what was most helpful to me is to pursue connections with faculty of my facility, to take the first step into introducing yourself and being personable. Creating these connections with them allows them to get to know you as a person and not an intern.

I recommend any students interested for an internship into looking at all what VMASC has to offer. They have a wide variety of positions in different departments. You learn a lot in the short few months you have with them. You become friends with the other interns who are also in the same boat and offer reassurances and support." - Lindsay Cook, Summer 2022 intern at VMASC

Curious about what Film Students might produce during an internship at Studio Center?
Matthew Sabellico (Spring 2022 intern) shares his short film, Chaos.

Spring 2022 intern Kayla Douglass shares about her experience as a Patient Relations Representative Intern at the Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx, New York.