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Current director

Alison Fall 2024 copy_edited.jpg

Alison Lietzenmayer

Master Lecturer & University Distinguished Teacher

Hi everyone, my name is Alison Lietzenmayer (she/her) and I am the Current Program Director for Senior Experience & Internship.

Welcome! If you are here, it is probably time for you to decide which Senior Experience is the best choice for your culminating experience. Our hope is that your culminating experience is a time to highlight your education and showcase your growing professional expertise. There are several options available, and these are meant to support the varying ways in which students in the Department of Communication & Theatre Arts work, create, perform, and share their knowledge.


Please look through this website as you think things over. These resources will help answer many of your questions: including what qualifies as an internship and how to apply for one, what to expect while taking the Capstone, where to learn about Study Away, and more.  If you have questions or want to know more, feel free to email me and set up a time to talk about opportunities that are best for your professional goals.


Good luck, and I look forward to working with you all!



Alison Lietzenmayer

she/her pronouns


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